Understanding Personal vs. Business Credit: Key Insights for Entrepreneurs

When you own your own business, you're the first one to flick on the lights in the morning, and the last one to go to sleep at night, pupils wide from staring at your laptop for too long yet again. (And even then, you probably dream about slow accounts receivables.)
You're your own boss: the buck literally stops with you. When you try to add a personal life into the mix-whether that's your spouse, a family, hobbies, or somewhat regular attendance at that spin class you love-it can feel like your nose is just above the water line.
But let's be honest: you probably wouldn't want it any other way!
For brutally honest inspiration on choosing the path of entrepreneurship, check out our favorite quotes to see what Celina, Lynne-Marie, and Viola love-and struggle with-when it comes to running their own business.
One of my favorite quotes is from Mark Twain: "There are only 2 important days in your life, the day you were born and the day you find out why. My career and passion involves serving others. I know that from 9 am until 7 pm every day, I am serving others. But before and after that? That time is mine. It keeps me calm. I prioritize my time with me first; everything else radiates from there.
I tend to work at a very quick pace. It's all or nothing. So for me, the difficulty of owning my own business is maintaining patience-and understanding that "Rome wasn't built in a day." That means that weekends are mine for my husband and family, and I don't guilt myself about not getting everything done.
"I needed a lender who believed in my abilities as an entrepreneur. Because I knew I could do it.
My advice to any entrepreneur is to know your weaknesses and hire accordingly. If you don't have time to clean: hire. There are plenty of high school students or college students that can pick up the dry cleaning, fill the fridge with your grocery list, and get the car washed. We aren't perfect, but there are others around us that are willing and able to help!
Lastly, be inspired by your ambition and your accomplishments! There are few people that are willing to take a risk and own a business. I now own two, one in Hawaii and one here in California, and I see no barriers whatsoever. I only see possibilities. Refuse to stand in your own way.
Dr. Celina Hatt owns two veterinary practices in Hawaii and California. She used her loan to purchase her Californian practice and invest in its growth.
While I really enjoyed my consulting work with IBM and Credit Suisse, my lifelong dream has always been to own and operate a loving care facility for dogs. I realized I couldn't find a friendly puppy boarding facility in my own neighborhood in Brooklyn, so I took the plunge.
When I followed my dream five years ago to start a dog daycare and boarding business in Brooklyn, I took my hobby and turned it into a full-time reality. Owning a business and managing 10+ employees can be a 24/7 job-so, to remain balanced I carefully schedule my time between work and personal passions.
"I used to work in traditional finance. I enjoyed it-but it just wasn't my lifelong dream.
Work-life balance to me means being able to devote time to my family, friends, non-profit and dog rescue activities, and travel while still running a successful business. I've learned to be just as committed to my non-work obligations as I am to my business. For example, traveling has always been a big part of my life and something that I continue to pursue-as hard as it is to be away, letting go allows me to return stronger and more focused.
My advice to other entrepreneurs is to never give up what you love to do. You will be a stronger, more devoted business owner if you supplement your work with a rich and rewarding personal life.
Lynne-Marie Paquette started Buddy's Dog Den to provide home-like care for each dog in a safe and stimulating environment. She used her loan to revamp her care center and increase her retail space.
At the heart of every adventure I embark upon, I have always felt that an open mind and a sense of play and curiosity is crucial to self-growth. My business, MAIKA, represents that leap of faith: to always push the creative envelope, to represent thoughtful, evocative design that touches the heart and motivates a call to action.
These days, I don't have any work-life balance. I haven't achieved this, and don't know if I ever will. I just try to prioritize certain things: I'm always tempted to get everything done in a day or a week, but I'm learning that it's okay if they don't get done right away. The business will still be there. I have a young daughter and new baby boy. It's crazy to realize how quickly they grow up, and I don't want to miss out on their lives by stressing about things I can't control. It's easier to say than do, though. I'm still working on it.
"I love building something from scratch and bringing it to market. Wearing many hats can be stressful, but it stretches my creativity.
My advice is to get the right financing for you. It provided a cushion to my business,and my family, by making my life less stressful. It impacts all areas of my life: I'm able to be a wife and mom, and take my mind off the business and not be so absorbed in it 24/7. I'm able to get out of that mindset of surviving day-to-day and instead focus on the long-term.
Viola Sutanto founded MAIKA to design eco-friendly, soft and durable home and travel goods. She used her loan to hire more sales reps for trade show season and launch a new product line.
We hope you enjoyed these insightful quotes about entrepreneurship! Get more inspiration for growing your business here.