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April 26, 2024

How iBusiness Funding Is Revitalizing Local Economies and Stimulating Community Growth

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In an economy that’s steadily become dominated by big-box stores and nationwide chains, small businesses continue to buoy local communities. However, as some small business…
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February 21, 2024

Redefining the Lending Experience With CEO Justin Levy: iBusiness Funding Unveils a Collection of AI Chatbots Set To Transform Commercial Lending Industry

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News that artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining an industry might not seem like news at all. After all, we’ve come to expect AI’s transformative potential across a wide range of sectors…
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December 12, 2023

iBusiness Funding vs. FinTechs: A Different Approach in Small Business Lending

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The financial industry, once a symbol of stability and predictability, is now in the throes of a major transformation. Traditional banking structures, long considered the bedrock of this industry...
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December 11, 2023

Lender AI: The Cutting-Edge Technology Behind iBusiness Funding's Success

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Small business lending is fraught with challenges, particularly for underserved borrowers such as women, veterans, and minorities. Amidst these challenges, iBusiness Funding’s LenderAI…